29th Nov2018

Postcards from London (Film)

by timbaros
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A young handsome man from Essex travels to the Big Smoke and encounters unusual situations in the new film ‘Postcards from London.’

Harris Dickinson, who was so sexy and memorable in last year’s critically-acclaimed film ‘Beach Rats,’ is again sexy in this new role, a role where he again plays a gay character. Dickinson is Jim who winds up in, of all places Soho, where he falls into a crowd of male escorts, but these are not the typical kind of escorts one would encounter in any big city – these escorts are of an artistic bend. They, strangely, have a thing for the paintings of Caravaggio – paintings that are all so homoerotic and sexy. And Jim becomes, for one of his paying clients, a character right out of one of Caravaggio’s paintings. But It’s a premise that’s very unusual, including the fact that Jim seems to have some sort of hallucination of planting himself in the paintings, it’s a premise that just doesn’t work. A film called ‘Postcards of London’ should show part of London, especially Soho and all it’s nooks and crannies. But ‘Postcards from London’ was shot on a soundstage, so there’s actually very very little (just in the beginning) shots of the city it’s named after. And while most of the other actors are good, and while Dickinson does his utmost best to try to keep a straight face, I guess the only reason to watch this film is because the most of the actors are scantily clad most of the time.

‘Postcards from London’ is out now
