11th Mar2020

Time & Tide (Theatre)

by timbaros

Josh-Barrow-and-Wendy-Nottingham-in-Time-Tide-Park-Theatre-©GailHarland‘Time & Tide’ is a tale of love in the most unexpected places.

Nemo (Josh Barrow) works at a diner but has bigger ambitions in life. He wants to move to the big city of London, to be in theatre, and to get out of his nothing town of Cromer. This is much to the dismay of his boss at the diner May (Wendy Nottingham), who encourages him to stay in their small town. But Nemo’s friend Daz (Elliot Liburd) is secretly in love with him, but of course Daz is not going to blatantly come out and say it, though he says he just recently broker up with his girlfriend. Meanwhile, May has an admirer in Ken (Paul Easton), the bread delivery man who also is hesitant to come out and say how he real feels. But May has some other sort of secret intentions, and it’s not for Ken. So what is her secret? And will Daz finally tell Nemo how he really feels? It’s unrequited love, love that may or may not be reciprocal, in ‘Time & Tide.’
Good performances, and the lovely diner set, in the cozy small room of the Park Theatre, make this production, it’s premiere, one to watch. Liburd is a natural on stage, but it’s Nottingham who is memorable as the woman who has run the diner for decades, and who is considering selling up and moving away. Nottingham is just fantastic. Time and Tide wait for no man, or woman.